Guitar Tricks Coupon Code 2023 Best Discount Price For You
Congratulations for considering to learn guitar with Guitar Tricks. To get the best Guitar Tricks Coupon Code discount deal you need to make sure you understand all the options available in 2023. This post is intended to give you an overview of the Guitar Tricks coupon code options available at the moment. Let’s make sure that you can get Guitar Tricks at the very best price.
B.B. King said: “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you”
Check out my Guitar Tricks Review and Rating
- More than 7 reasons to have fun
- Why You want to read this review
- My Guitar Tricks Short Story
- What you get with Guitar Tricks
- My favorite instructor
- Seven reasons why I use Guitar Tricks
- Guitar Tricks in Number
- Room for Improvement
- Alternatives to Guitar Tricks
- How to use Guitar Tricks Lessons
- Do Online Lessons Work
How to Get the Guitar Tricks Coupon YouTube Video
There are a lot of different ways how you can get started with I have put together this guide to make sure that you get the best value for the service that matches your needs.
Depending on what you are looking for, the Guitar Tricks website sing-up process can be a bit confusing. This is why I have put together a short video to show how you can get straight to the best deal for what you need.
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Guitar Tricks offers you a 60 day money back guarantee on your membership. This guarantee is real and has been tested simply to see how hard it would be to get the refund. The money was returned with no questions asked. Now this is really great and allows for a risk free extended trial since the free full access trial is currently restricted to 14 days. Think about it. You like Guitar Tricks and sign up for full membership once the free trial is over. After 2 more weeks you notice that you do not have enough time to fully use to justify the continued investment. You can simply cancel your membership and get your money back.
GuitarTricks $60 Discount and Bonus on Annual Membership
Because of the 60 day money back guarantee it is clear that the annual membership is by far the most economical option. You can have an extended trial and you get the cheapest price. GuitarTricks currently offers a $60.00 discount when you sign up for 12 months. This results in a total membership price for 12 months of only $179.00 or $14.91 per month.
And it does not end here! Guitar Tricks has a limited time bonus offer to the value of $49 in store if you select the full access membership today.
To sign up for the annual membership you can click on the image below. This will take you to the Guitar Tricks Home page. Here you can enter your email address which will get you inside of the Guitar Tricks website. At this point you should wait to receive the welcome email from Guitar Tricks. It will include a username and your password. With this username you can now logon to the Guitar Tricks website. After the logon you can select the Upgrade button and click on the Annual Membership area that looks like this picture.
Remember, Guitar Tricks comes with a money back guarantee of 60 day and they will refund your money without asking any further questions.
Guitar Tricks Monthly Membership
If you prefer to pay monthly you can get started with $19.95. To sign up for the monthly membership you can click on the image below. This will take you to the Guitar Tricks site where you can your email address. I recommend that you wait for your username and password which Guitar Tricks will immediately send you by email. Use this username to login to the website. This will take you inside of the Guitar Tricks website. All that’s left is to press the Upgrade button and choose the Monthly Membership option.
STOP PRESS! – Wait! – Before You Go On, Read Below to get the Coupon Code!
GuitarTricks Best 2023 Deal Coupon Code
Guitar Tricks offers a Coupon Code that reduced the fee for the first month’s membership even more. If you choose the monthly membership sign-up option then you are eligible for a 60% discount for the cost of the first month’s subscription.
To use this discount coupon code you can follow the instructions above for the Monthly Membership option.
Now, before you press the NEXT button, enter the Coupon Code “60OFF” in the Coupon Code section below the monthly membership box. This will give you a green tick as in the image below and reduce your first month’s payment to $7.98.
Free Trial with Full Access
With the FREE Trial you can check out the Full Membership access for free. However this is restricted to a limited time. If you want to check out Guitar Tricks you can click on the button below, key in your email address and again select the ‘Start Your Free Trial’ button on the Guitar Tricks website.
Gift Certificates
Gift Certificates are also available from GuitarTricks. They are for three, six and twelve month’s full access and can be purchased and redeemed online. The special guitarist in your life will definitely appreciate such a great present.
Guitar Tricks DVDs
DVD’s can be a great tool to complement the online offering. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the DVD’s are totally sold out. If you are interested then you should definitely check back later to see if DVD’s of the Guitar Tricks Core Learning Systems are available again.
Free Lessons
Guitar Tricks offers 24 Free Lessons to those who do not want to commit to anything without seeing whether Guitar Tricks is any good. Simply press the button below to get a feel of the great quality lessons and meet some of the Guitar Tricks instructors.
Guitar Tricks Review Info-Graphic
If you cannot make up your mind yet you can head over to my in-depth Guitar Tricks Review.
For me the main reasons to use Guitar Tricks are:
Guitar Tricks has the Best Songs
Guitar Tricks is the Easiest Guitar Learning System
Guitar Tricks has the Fastest Results
Check out this info-graphic to see Guitar Tricks in numbers
To see a larger image simply click on the Info-Graphic below.
Here you have it – All the Secret Tricks to get the Best Guitar Tricks Price!
Guitar Tricks is an amazing site to learn and improve Guitar Playing – Read my Guitar Tricks Review!
If you want to check out the competition you can also read my in-depth review of JamPlay Online Guitar Lessons here or follow this link if you are after Bass Guitar Lessons.
I sincerely hope that You have found the information you were looking for. If you need more information you are welcome to contact me. You can use the Contact form or you can leave a comment in the box below.
I Really Like Guitars!
PS: I would love to know about your experience with GuitarTricks. Have you found a way to learn to play guitar that suits you better? Let me know!
You can use your Facebook account in the first comment area below or you can leave a reply in the standard comment area of this page further below.
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Hello ~ Awesome content ~ Thanks