Category: Buying

Custom Guitar Builder

How To Find The Custom Guitar Builder Who Is Right For You?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a custom guitar builder build custom guitars just for you? I am not talking about buying a guitar from the ‘custom’ shop of a major manufacturer. I think we all agree that these guitars are no more custom than any other that is being sold with standard specifications listed on a website.

Do Not Buy Cheap Chinese Guitar - Les Paul - I Really Like Guitars

Should I Buy a Cheap Chinese Guitar?

Ok, you want to get a new axe in the style of you guitar hero. You came across that great online offer that is simply too good to ignore. It looks amazing. It is very, very affordable. You can have it sent to your door for free. What are you waiting for? Phew, I am so glad you waited. This was most likely the best ever decision so far in your entire guitar playing career. Let me tell you why.

Luthier Guitar

Luthier Guitar Considerations

After doing some serious online research and trying to come up with my own specifications and justifications for buying a custom guitar, I found that time has come to share my thoughts about the things to consider when buying a custom luthier guitar.

2013 PRS P22 Tremolo Makena Blue - I Really Like Guitars

Five Top Tips How To Safely Buy Guitars Online

Over the last 5 years I have bought and sold over 100 guitars for my private collection. Most of these transactions have been done over the internet. From my experience I can say that it is fairly safe to buy guitars online. All but one of my orders were fulfilled as advertised and I was always happy with my purchases.